Another beautiful morning…
Our last meal with Darrall and Dianne was a hoot! This time it was Richard’s turn to cry. Rocket and tank stories were the order of the night. Hilarious!
On the way back to the hut we had the avoid steppung on this fella..
Us with the Hawian ladies, Incar and Miranda, with Nomsix.
Darrall and Dianne were getting ready to leave.
The dive site was sand with coral in the shallows.
We saw:
Skeleton shrimps
Upside down jellyfish
Small pink frogfish
Darrall took this picture of us as we came back to the resort.
And one of me walking up the ‘catwalk’.
… or so I thought. Actually, looks like I have lumbago!
At breakfast we said goodbye to our new friends… ?? we wish them a safe journey home to Adelaide, Oz.
Muck dive. Viz came and went during the dive from 12 or so metres down to 5 metres.
We saw lots though…
More nudis
Different shrimps
A Leaf crab
Dip in the pool followed by lunch now, then to be followed by a nap, I am thinking…
Nap done, now off to dive…
DIVE 29 – Kasu Kasu Point
FFS!!!!! Whiteout!!!!
Current when we got in. Current stopped at about 18 metres.
Bimbling around at 24-25 metres, taking photos – all good. Viz about 10 metres. Sudden whiteout! Not able to find Richard and Detmon. Tank banging and strobe lights went on… After what seemed like a very long minute, we found each other.
Back on boat, I found that holding my tongue is not a virtue I possess. Luckily for them, the other guests were not on the boat at that time.
So, I didn’t say anything… YET!!!!
Strange thing…. It turns out that the whiteout seemed to coincide with the other guests finding a blue ringed octopus.
Now where’s that emoticon for f*%£ing furious… ????
Quick dip in the pool followed by a dusk dive – just us!
DIVE 30 – Makawidi 2
A very excellent dive – just the two of us and Detmon. Adrian as captain.
We saw lots. ??
Tiny pristine white and brown frogfish
Octopus about 2 centimetres long that went in to a tiny hole.
All sorts of shrimps and nudis.
Nice to do a night dive on coral.
Hot chocolate on the boat tonight was the best so far.
Another round of crib has been played and we are up to three games each, as I crushed Richard in my victory. The support and cheering from Mae helped, although Penny backed a three legged horse.
We received a special present today, but more from Richard in tomorrow’s blog.