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M4…And so it begins

​​The way they dive out here is that you have the accommodation boat and a separate dive boat in tow which holds all the kit and recharges your tanks. Our dive boat is called Luna! 

Craig (northen) and Arif (Maldivian) are our dive guides and they give an excellent dive brief. Craig it has to be said is a bit like an excited puppy but his enthusiasm is infectious. There’s clearly a bromance in the offing between him and Si….?

First check dive was Lankan Finolhu a renowned manta cleaning station and oh boy, they must’ve got very dirty recently. must have been about 15 of these majestic birds of the sea flying in and around us. Stunning.

Unfortunately I was somewhat preoccupied by being over weighted with a faulty BC which didn’t inflate properly to fully enjoy it.

However, the chaps in the group all had a fantastic dive, or so they insisted in telling me.

No whale shark 

(Chairman’s note – Lager is $5 US a small  can. Second tragedy.)